For use under OIC for burning of mixed waste on commercial, horticultural or agricultural land in Hawke's Bay and Te Tairāwhiti
Complete this form when you're planning a mixed waste burn. The burn plan details what, where and when you are burning as well as the mitigations that are in place to help prevent fire escapes and to control discharges to the environment.
Notwithstanding this permitted activity under the OIC.
- You remain responsible for your burn, the content and implementation of your burn plan, and your duties in relation to fire in open air under the Fire and Emergency New Zeland Act 2017
- Fire and Emergency New Zealand regulatory, enforcement and emergency response functions and power are unaffected by the Order in Council.
- A fire permit is still required when a burn plan has been developed and or advice has been received, unless the area is in an open season
For guidance on planning and carrying out a prescribed burn refer to Fire and Emergency New Zealand's Safely Using Fire For Land Mangement document:
PDF Download
This form also contains templates to capture fire and weather observations on the day of and during the burn.